MyGet's NuGet and NPM news from the community (December 2016)
We've just passed Christmas (Merry Christmas!) and are heading for the new year... Not a lot of people are working, yet we have our fifth installment of MyGet's NuGet and NPM news from the community. Let's look at some interesting blog posts and articles found on the Internet, curated by our MyGet founders Xavier and Maarten. Follow @MyGetTeam on Twitter for more!
NuGet news
Never hurts to do a little self-promotion. We joined the On .NET podcast to have a chat about MyGet and NuGet in general.
More on .NET Standard by Jonathan Mezach - Sharing code across .NET platforms with .NET Standard. Jonathan provides some good insight in the why and how of the .NET Standard.
Not a bad thing: in the Multiple Versions of .NET Core Runtimes and SDK Tools SxS Survival Guide, Nicolò Carandini expands on the .NET Core runtimes and differences between Long Time Support and bleeding edge versions and how to run them side by side.
Fernando Arias Marques blogged about Dynamically adding a MyGet feed to your VSTS build process, introducing a nice, dynamic and secure way of consuming MyGet feeds and pushing packages to MyGet from VSTS.
NPM news
A fresh npm release! 4.0.5 has been published, mainly bringing bugfixes and dependency updates. There's also a prerelease of 4.1.0, which includes the new
npm doctor
command which help in diagnosing common issues.
Meanwhile, the npm folks are reaching out for feedback on a bunch of RFC's for npm@5. There are proposals to make npm faster, improve shrinkwrap. Keep an eye on the RFC's an weigh in if there's something you are passionate about!
Have you tried ndm (the Npm Desktop Manager)? It's a nice tool to browse and manage a project's npm packages, much like the git GUI tools available but for npm.
If you have any news to share or have other feedback, let us know using the comments below or reach out on Twitter.
Happy packaging! And happy new year!