Another month, another episode of MyGet's NuGet and NPM news from the community! We'll look at some interesting blog posts and articles found on the Internet, curated by our MyGet founders Xavier and Maarten. Follow @MyGetTeam on Twitter for more!

Note that this will be the last episode of our monthly news for now. Let us know if you'd like to see this series continue!

NuGet news

The NuGet team is considering improving package identity and trust by allowing to verify accounts and reserve package prefixes. For example, System.* could be reserved for the .NET Foundation so consumers always know the package comes from a thrustworthy source. Good read, good thoughts!

Naeem Khedarun built a tool that scans of outdated packages. NuGetXray, as the tool is called, helps identify outdated packages and can visualize this in a nice report (which can be included in a TeamCity build).

More tools! Maarten blogged about extending .NET CLI with custom tools, with an example tool dotnet init that initializes your NuGet package metadata.

MORE TOOLS! Alistair Chapman is introducing the Cake Build Systems Module which gives CI superpowers. For example on MyGet Build Services it will use service messages to add additional tracing to the build log. On TeamCity, the currently running build task is displayed. And more - give it a go!

NPM news

A GitHub PR was opened, discussing npm@5 and what will be included. Work in progress!

Axel Rauschmayer blogged about setting up multiplatform npm packages. In an example, he describes creating a package that targets ES5+, ES6 and webpack at the same time. 

Happy packaging!