Download feed as ZIP

What do you do if you want to download all packages on your feed? We can do it using the Package Manager Console or by calling nuget.exe, but wouldn’t it be great if we were able to download an entire feed with the click of a button? That’s exactly what our 1.6 release added: support for downloading a feed as a ZIP file. The feed list gives us a new button: “Download packages as ZIP”....

MyGet Build Services - Package Versioning Explained

At MyGet, we do everything possible to reduce friction. It's in our DNA! Package versioning is currently the biggest roadblock you'll encounter when setting up a solution to automate package creation. Versioning semantics A NuGet package is uniquely identified by its package identifier and its version. This implicit requirement is often overlooked upfront and requires some thinking to define a proper versioning strategy. Luckily for us, some smart people already came up with something called...

Package sources feature out of beta

Good news: our package sources feature is out of beta after almost a year. The reason for that is that we wanted to make this a very stable feature which it proved to be thanks to many of our users testing it. But… what is this feature? By default, MyGet uses the official NuGet gallery as the one and only source for packages. Package sources allows us to add additional sources for packages. For example...

New features in MyGet Enterprise

The MyGet Enterprise plan was introduced a couple of months ago and has had several management options since then. After logging in to your MyGet Enterprise instance the main menu displays a Dashboard link which gives the plan administrator access to a management dashboard. In the management dashboard, MyGet Enterprise administrators can view statistics on their instance (number of feeds, storage usage, some aggregates on consumption and so on) as well as manage several options...

Support for feed names with dashes and underscores

An often requested feature for MyGet was support for feed names with dashes and/or underscores. With our 1.6 release we introduce just this: support for feed names with – and _ in their name. Many people asked us for this feature. The main scenario these users referred to was having feeds for development and production, having feeds per branch and so on with a recognizable prefix. Since we deployed it in our staging environment, we’ve...

Release notes for MyGet 1.6

Many users have asked for us to provide release notes for everything we put online. Since that’s a great idea we’ll start doing this with the current 1.6 release which has been deployed earlier this week. But before we dive into that, let’s give you some hints about our development process and versioning system. Our development process and versioning system If you look at the footer of our website, you’ll have seen the following for...

We were down...

On 23 February 2013, we’ve been down for 8 hours. We received a monitoring alert (and some e-mails and tweets as well) at around 9:50 PM (CET) notifying us of this event. After looking into it, we discovered there was not much to do about this besides sit and wait… We do wish to apologize and clarify the events for this outage (our first since July 2012). The root cause of this outage was a...

Introducing activity streams

In a previous post we highlighted the new user profile page and briefly mentioned we are working on activity streams. If you look at the Activity tab of your profile, you'll still see that it is coming soon. We are still working on the UI for this part, but before we introduce it to the masses we need to take care of a few more things. No worries, a clear communication about these changes will...