Creating your own private NuGet feed: MyGet
Ever since NuGet came out, I’ve been thinking about leveraging it in a corporate environment. I've seen two NuGet server implementations appear on the Internet: the official NuGet gallery server and Phil Haack’s NuGet.Server package. As these both are good, there’s one thing wrong with them: you can't be lazy! You have to do some stuff you don’t always want to do, namely: configure and deploy.
After discussing some ideas with my colleague Xavier Decoster, we decided it’s time to turn our heads into the cloud: we’re providing you NuGet-as-a-Service (NaaS)! Say hello to MyGet.
MyGet offers you the possibility to create your own, private, filtered NuGet feed for use in the Visual Studio Package Manager.
It can contain packages from the official NuGet feed as well as your private packages, hosted on MyGet. Want a sample? Add this feed to your Visual Studio package manager:
We've already received some feature requests, but feel free to send us your own most-wanted features or report bugs.
Feel free to go ahead and create your private feed. Some ideas for possible scenarios (more at Xavier's site):
- A feed containing only the packages you or your company often use
- A feed containing only your (open-source?) project and its dependencies
- A feed containing just a few packages that you want to use for a certain project: tell your developers to just install them all
- …
Bugs and feature requests? Feel free to post them as a comment below.