Using additional tools in the build process
Out of the box, MyGet Build Services supports building projects that depend on various SDK's and/or test runners. A full list of supported project types and SDK's at your disposal is available on our docs.
However, sometimes you run into a missing tool or SDK you absolutely need to compile your projects. Or perhaps you need a different version than the one available by default. If that's the case, you have two options:
- Download the tools you need and commit them to your own repository
- Use the brand new MyGet Build Tools repository on GitHub as a submodule to your repository
The first option is likely what you're doing today and allows you to cherry-pick the required tools without polluting your build with tools you don't need, making the build process faster.
The second option will bring down the tools from this repository during a build while they are technically not in your own GitHub repository. It currently contains the following tools:
- NuGet 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.7.1
- NUnit 2.6.2
- XUnit 1.9.6
- curl
To add a submodule, run the following from your repository root (make sure you use the https endpoint):
git submodule add myget
From then on, you can use the tools from the myget/tools folder in your builds. For example, NuGet 2.5 can be used by calling myget/tools/nuget/2.5/nuget.exe.
Happy Packaging!