Configuring password policies and account lockout using MyGet Enterprise

MyGet Enterprise contains everything MyGet has to offer, hosted on a dedicated URL for your team. It comes with an additional management dashboard that can be used to manage everything related to the team such as feeds, users, quota, account policies and so forth. We recently made some additions to this mangement dashboard that make managing a MyGet Enterprise account even more powerful. When navigating to the management dashboard as an administrator, you will be...

Using MyGet as a OneGet package source

At the Build conference, Microsoft announced the Windows Management Framework 5.0 Preview which includes Windows PowerShell 5.0, updates to the PowerShell ISE, Network Switch Cmdlets and ... OneGet! What is OneGet? OneGet a unified package management interface component with a set of managed and native APIs, a set of PowerShell cmdlets, and a WMI provider. The component accepts both Microsoft-provided and 3rd party-provided plugins which extend the functionality for a given package type. The OneGet...

Receive feed activity notifications through RSS

Ever wanted to get notified when a new package is available on your feed? Did you know you can just browse the Packages collection on any NuGet feed? <p></p><p>Obviously, that also works on MyGet feeds, but did you know that ever since we launched MyGet, we had this little RSS endpoint sitting around? </p><p></p><p>In it’s early state it was just exposing your feed’s OData Packages collection. However, as we introduced activity logs and started collecting this data to show...

NuGet Dependency Management with Drone Delivery

Using MyGet just became easier. We are proud to announce a new feature (in preview) which brings a better and bolder way of consuming NuGet packages from your feed! Next to using Visual Studio or the NuGet command line tool to have packages delivered to your project, it is now possible to have packages delivered by drones using the new Drone Delivery feature. Many established companies, as well as startups, are experimenting with drones for their...

Setting default package sources during build

MyGet gives you the option to specify one or more package sources for a feed. Package sources for a feed are also available during every build on MyGet Build Services. This can be really useful! An additional package source is needed during build. MyGet will make the package source available during build if it has been added to the feed's package sources. If you have an authenticated feed but do not wish to add credentials...

Checking NuGet package vulnerabilities with OWASP SafeNuGet

Edit - October 14, 2016 - We have a new, integrated vulnerability scan service. A couple of days ago, OWASP released a new NuGet package which is able to check known vulnerabilities in NuGet packages. Use of libraries with known vulnerabilities can be an issue for software and components you create: check the excellent whitepaper "The Unfortunate Reality of Insecure Libraries". In the OWASP Top 10 2013, consuming vulnerable packages is listed under A9 Using Known...

Specifying which projects get built with MyGet Build Services

Using MyGet Build Services, you have the opportunity to control exactly how your project gets built. By default, several conventions are used to run builds. MyGet will scan the contents of your Source Control Repository looking for a file which it can work with. In order of precedence, the following files are searched for: Project files (*.csproj, *.vbproj, ...) specified in the build source configuration. MyGet.bat, MyGet.cmd or MyGet.ps1 build.bat, build.cmd or build.ps1 MyGet.sln Any...

Migrate away from MSBuild-based NuGet package restore

Back in the days... NuGet package restore used to be MSBuild-based. You had to explicitly enable it using the context menu on a Visual Studio solution: right-click the solution and select Enable NuGet Package Restore. In fact, if you go to the NuGet docs, you'll see that this scenario is still fully documented. A quick search for "package restore" will throw this old scenario "in your face", as it is the first hit in the...