Introducing MyGet Gallery

Included in our latest release of last week, we’ve deployed the new MyGet gallery. We’ve noticed a lot of NuGet packages for popular open-source projects (such as Dotspatial or Mvccontrib) are hidden in their continuous integration feeds on MyGet. To make it easier to find these hidden treasures, we’ve released the MyGet Gallery. The MyGet Gallery enables you to browse around through selected public feeds and browse packages listed on those feeds. It’s an...

Pushing packages from MyGet to NuGet (or another feed)

Imagine you have a package repository hosted on MyGet. Every time a team member of your open source or enterprise project commits source code changes, your build server pushes an updated release to this package repository in the form of a prerelease NuGet package. Now what happens if a release to the official NuGet package source has to be created? Typically, you will either create a fresh package which will be the package to release,...

NuGet $version$ token explained

Many questions that often come to mind when building NuGet packages are related to versioning. There's one question in particular I'd like to post here because it's one of the easier to answer. The question is: How do I use the $version$ token in the NuGet manifest (nuspec) file? Where does it get the version number from? If you look at the NuGet docs explaining the nuspec replacement tokens, it states that the following -...

Pro NuGet is finally there!

Short version: Install-Package ProNuget or It’s been a while since I wrote my first book. After I’ve been telling that writing a book is horrendous (try writing a chapter per week after your office hours…) and that I would never write on again, my partner-in-crime Xavier Decoster and I had the same idea at the same time: what about a book on NuGet? So here it is: Pro NuGet is fresh off the presses...

How to help yourself when NuGet goes down

Today will be remembered as the day that went down and broke quite some builds. While many people would love to see the NuGet team wearing a pink sombrero, there is something to say about wearing it yourself if you did not manage to workaround this. Let me explain… First of all, just as with the Azure downtime on a leap day, whenever you rely on an external system and make it mission critical,...

Where MyGet is going

Time flies. MyGet has been online for over half a year! We’ve started MyGet as a proof-of-concept which kept growing, thanks to you. You’re one of the more than 600 NuGet feeds we are currently hosting in two datacenters worldwide! New user interface design, new blog We’ve “moved your cheese around”. We’ve been redesigning our UI and added a few usability improvements here and there. Next to that, our new blog went live at

Introducing MyGet package source proxy (beta)

My blog already has quite the number of blog posts around MyGet, our NuGet-as-a-Service solution which my colleague Xavier and I are running. There are a lot of reasons to host your own personal NuGet feed (such as protecting your intellectual property or only adding approved packages to the feed, but there’s many more as you can <plug>read in our book</plug>). We’ve added support for another scenario: MyGet now supports proxying remote feeds. Up until...