Package not found during package restore

When working with your own feed, whether private or public, chances are you want to consume more than just that feed. We see many people using their MyGet feed and the feed simultaneously. Sometimes, an interesting error occurs during package restore. Unable to find version xxxx of package yyyy That’s not funny! You know that the package is on the feed as you’ve installed it from there in the first place! The reason this...

A very useful MyGet PowerShell suite

We recently shed a light on how you can easily use additional build tools on MyGet Build Services. However, there is more. A lot more! We always say how much we love our users and this blog post is yet another illustration why we do. One of our users, Peter Rekdal Sunde, created an awesome PowerShell utility pack to make it even easier to customize your MyGet Build Services experience. The result is a complete build...

Build Status Badges

With MyGet Build Services, you can embed a status image for a build into any web page out there, including your project’s README file or documentation. Your users will be immediately updated about the status of the last build performed. Here’s an example badge for a successful build: Badges will be shown for pending builds (queued or building) as well as successful and failed builds. The URL for a build badge can be obtained through...

MyGet Year in Review 2013

2013 was a good year. We had tons of fun developing MyGet and judging from the feedback we get from you we can tell you are having fun with MyGet as well. And that is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your feedback and your continued support! Speaking of feedback: what do you think our 2014 roadmap should look like? Let us know through this survey! Looking back at 2013 also involves some numbers,...

Publishing packages to during build

Ever wanted to push a package to or another feed during a build on MyGet Build Services? Affraid of checking in the API key to source control just to be able to do that? Well here’s a little trick that will help you do that without spilling secrets. When we implemented support for NuGet Package Restore, we’ve also added support for transfering package source credentials to the build server in a safe way. From...

GitHub Releases and MyGet Build Services

During the summer, GitHub added a great feature for many projects: releases. Projects on GitHub can create a release and label sources, add binaries and release notes. Following the conventions of many Git projects, releases are tied to Git tags. You can use an existing tag, or let releases create the tag when it's published. Since MyGet Build Services supports labeling and we can label sources when pushing packages upstream, GitHub Releases make a great...

Labeling Sources when Pushing to

When adding package sources through your feed’s settings, a very nice scenario becomes available: the package promotion workflow. In other words: pushing a package from one feed to another. Or in other words: publishing nightlies to MyGet and promoting specific package versions to With the newly introduced labeling feature, it is now possible to label sources when pushing a package upstream. When enabled, MyGet will find the build from which the package originated and...

Using additional tools in the build process

Out of the box, MyGet Build Services supports building projects that depend on various SDK's and/or test runners. A full list of supported project types and SDK's at your disposal is available on our docs. However, sometimes you run into a missing tool or SDK you absolutely need to compile your projects. Or perhaps you need a different version than the one available by default. If that's the case, you have two options: Download the...